Saturday, December 26, 2009


I love the holidays. It is a great time of the year when family and friends can get together to be with eachother. I had a blast spending time with all of my family. It was a great Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fantasy Football

I am in a Fantasy Football league. I have had a great season. So far, my record is 10-3. I am leading my league. We are now in the playoffs, and I am winning in this round. Next week is the Championship round.


Hockey has kept me very busy so far this winter. We have played five games. Our recod is 3-2. We have a young team and will need to work hard this year. So far, we have had a good time.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Today I was busy. I woke up and went to church. After church I went to the grocery store with my family. For the rest of the day I watched football, and the Vikes beat the Bengals 30-10. They played a great game. I had a great end of the weekend.


As you probably know, Tiger Woods has got in some trouble. He has been in a car crash, and supposedly has ten girls that he has cheated with. He will now be taking a break from golf and spend a lot of time with his family. I think that he is a great golfer, and his image did not change in my eyes.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Cities

This weekend I went to the Twin Cities. I went with my family on Friday, and we stayed until Saturday. We went to the Mall of America to shop and eat. Then, we played at the arcade at the hotel for a while. This trip was very fun.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day

Today was a fun day. I went to my grandparents' houses on both sides of the family. We had two large meals that were very good. The turkey was huge, and the pumkin pie hit the spot. I thought that this was a great day to thank God for my family, friends, and everything that is going for me in my life.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today I had an early Thanksgiving lunch with my family. We went to my grandparents' house and saw my uncle, aunt, and two cousins. One of my cousins name is Jake. He is in 5th grade and he lives in Lakeville. After a great lunch, we went across the street to play football. It was a fun day.


On Saturday night I went to the Albert Lea Thunder hockey game. I went with some of my friends on my hockey team. It was not an exciting game. The Thunder lost 6-2. The best part of the game was after the second period when it was Chuck-A-Puck. None of us won, but it was close. We had a fun time.

Friday, November 13, 2009


This school year seems to be going by very fast. It is already second quarter!! It is fun to wake up every morning to know that I am going to get a good education, while being able to spend the day with my friends. I think that school is making time go very quick.

St. Cloud

It is Friday afternoon, and my family and I are going to be leaving for St. Could very soon. I am going up there to see a friend that moved away. We are going to bring my dog so that he does not have to stay home alone. We are going to golf, shop, and swim. I am very excited for this short trip.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Golfing (11-8-09)

Today I went golfing. I went to Wedgewood Cove to golf at about 3:30. It was windy, but a nice temperature to play in. I shot a 42, and I played bad. I hit two of my drives into the water. I struck my irons well, and I also putted okay. Roday was a fun day to play golf.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Last Sunday I reffed a hockey game. It was the A Squirt level, and Albert Lea was playing Mason City. With five minutes left in the game the play had to be blown to a stop. There was a player down in the middle of the ice. He had fallen on his tailbone, tried to get up, and fell back down. He could not stand up. While someone called the EMT, the player sat in the company of his coach and his mom and dad. He was laying there for just over fifteen minutes when the EMT finally showed up. They got him on the stretcher, and carried him off of the ice. This was a very scary moment for me because I had never had to deal with an injury to this extent.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Last night was Halloween. I went over to a friend's house and we scared people. We had a large leaf pile in the yard. When people walked by we jumped up out of the pile. This was quite fun to see the different reactions that people had. I thought that this was fun, and I had a great time.

Golfing (11-1-09)

Today I went golfing. I golfed the front nine at Wedgewood Cove. I went with a friend and his dad, and my dad. We had a great time! I shot a 43, which is a little more than my average. I missed a lot of putts, but I made great contact with the ball. Golfing was very fun today.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Today I went to the cities to see my cousin get confirmed. I got to see all of my friends and family. I thought that this was an important and fun day for her.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


On Friday night I went to a friend's house. We were really bored. All of a sudden, I noticed a poker chip set sitting on the floor. We decided to play texas hold'em for a little bit, and ended up playing for three hours. That was really fun!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Last night I went to a scary movie. It was called Stepfather. I went to the movie with Ashley, Morgan, and Luke. I thought that this was a great movie and I would definitely recommend that you watch this movie.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Today was the big day. I got confirmed at the 11 o'clock service at First Lutheran Church. It was a very exciting day. I was able to talk in front of the church and read an essay that I had written. I am glad that I am done with going to church on Wednesday nights, but I am looking forward to growing my relationship with God.

Friday, October 9, 2009


On Sunday I will get confirmed. I have been in confirmation since I started eighth grade. We met every Wednesday night at the church, and we were also required to attend many church services. I am extremely excited Sunday.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Golfing (10-4-09)

Today I went golfing. I went to Wedgewood Cove Colf Club. It was very cold and windy. I played with my dad and Marty. I shot a score of 84. I played well, and made 2 birdies. It was a tough day to play golf becuase of the wind. Even though the conditions were not ideal, it was a very fun day to play!


On Friday night, I went to a movie called Zombieland. This movie was extremely funny and I liked it a lot! There was a lot of scary parts, but I thought that ti was very interesting. I recommend that you go to this movie.

The movie cover of Zombieland:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Golfing (9-26-09)

On Saturday the 26th I went golfing at Wedgewood Cove. I golfed with Morgan, Stacia, and Nick. The weather was perfect for golfing, and we had a blast!


On Friday night I went to the Homecoming football game, and then to the dance. The football game was very interesting, and our team did well. I liked sitting by all of my friends. After the game we all went to the dance. The dance was a great time, I got to groove with my friends.

Friday, September 18, 2009

cars, cars, cars

Cars are one of my interests. I enjoy searching through cars on the internet and also watching cars on the road. Some of my favorite cars are the Hummer H3, the Nissan Murano. My dream car is the Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder. These cars are definitely not the most fuel efficient cars, but I think that they look very sharp! What is your favorite car?

Hummer H3:

Nissan Murano:

Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder:

got to be COUNTRY

I love country music. I think that a majority of my freinds do not like country music. I think that it is the best genre because the songs actually mean something, and tell somewhat of a story. Country songs are written with a purpose and can be understood when you listen to it. I always have country music playing in my bedroom and in my car. I think that country music is the
BEST. Please comment to this post about what YOU think!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This past April I went to the Masters Tournament near Atlanta, Georgia with my dad. This is one of professional golf's four major tournaments that takes place at the Augusta National Golf Club. While I was there I saw many PGA Tour players. Some of them include Luke Donald, Bubba Watson, Mark O'Meara, and Tiger Woods. When I saw Tiger, I was speechless. It was like he was something from another planet, and everyone was awed at the composure that Tiger carried with him. We were able to walk freely around the course and observe one of the best golf courses in the world. This was one of the best things that I have ever done in my life.

Me Holding Augusta Pin:

Tiger Woods Encounter: